Children’s System of Care Strategy Session

The purpose of this session was to bring together advocates, providers, and funders, with a commitment to children’s mental health, to have an informed discussion about how to move California toward a seamless, accountable system of care for children and youth. The ultimate goal was to develop a prioritized, coordinated and actionable agenda for working collectively toward this end.

Meeting Summary

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Roster

Briefing Documents

Documents and Reports Shared During or After the Meeting

The Ryse Center's Listening Campaign (Ryse Center, 2016)

TAY Summit - Let's Talk Transitions: Sharing Resources to Revolutionize Mental Health Services for Youth and Young Adults (PEERS)

TAY Summit - Let's Talk Transitions: Book of Proceedings (PEERS)

Documents Shared Before the Meeting

A Complex Case: Public Mental Health Delivery and Financing in California (California Health Care Foundation)

A Public Health Approach to Children's Mental Health (Center for Child and Human Development, Georgetown University)

Action Plan to Address Childhood Adversity in California (California ACEs Policy Working Group)

Behavioral Health Integration in Pediatric Primary Care (Milbank Memorial Fund, New York)

Children's Initiative Concept Paper (New Jersey Department of Human Services)

Children's Mental Health Resource Kit (Children's Defense Fund)

Connecting Youth Placed Out of County to Trauma-Informed Care (Trauma Transformed, California)

Essentials for Childhood Overview (California Essentials for Childhood Initiative)

Essentials for Childhood Initiative - Orientation on Policy Initiatives (California Essentials for Childhood Initiative)

Fulfilling Medi-Cal's Promise: Extending Home and Community-Based Mental Health Services to Juvenile Justice-Involved  Youth in California (Young Minds Advocacy)

Implicit Bias in the Child Welfare, Education, and Mental Health Systems (National Center for Youth Law)

insights Vol. 7 - Improving Outcomes for Children in Foster Care (California Child Welfare Co-Investment Partnership)

Intensive Care Coordination Using High-Quality Wraparound for Children with Serious Behavioral Health Needs: State and Community Profiles (Centers for Health Care Strategies, Inc.)

Kids in Crisis White Paper (Children's Crisis Services Workgroup, California)

Mental Health Service Utilization - Children/Youth in the Child Welfare System (California Department of Social Services and California Department of Health Care Services)

Mental Health Services in MediCal (National Health Law Program Issue Brief)

One System: Reforming Education to Serve All Students  (CA Statewide Taskforce on Special Education)

Public-Private Leadership and Innovation for Children, Youth and Families (Breaking Barriers, California)

Supply and Demand for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (Edward Schor, MD and Steven Adelsheim, MD)

UCLA Health Policy Brief: Three out of Four Children with Mental Health Needs in CA Do Not Receive Treatment Despite Having Health Coverage (UCLA Center for Health Policy Research)